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SHAR server uses NATS Message Pull combined with a Stateless Decoupled Monolith pattern to achieve linear scaling.

Each instance pulls a number of concurrent messages from NATS, performs tasks based on the messages and sends messages back to NATS for further processing.

The advantages of this are:

  • SHAR server instances are unaware of their participation in a cluster.
  • No configuration is needed to cluster SHAR servers.
  • The topology is driven from NATS configuration.
  • Any instance can handle any message.
  • Failed processing is retried automatically.
  • Servers only pull as many messages as they can handle.
  • Removing or adding servers provides immediate performance alterations.


SHAR is split into 3 components:

  • The Client which wraps API calls to the server, can send workflow messages, registers tasks, and runs tasks.
  • The Engine which handles workflow processing, storage and orchestration.
  • The Server which thinly wraps the engine, and provides API access, and lifecycle management.